Wednesday 10 November 2010

Beauty And make up...

Ladies ladies!image is everything if you ask me and gettin out of the house with THAT look is not enough!!you have to come out with THE look!Anyway personally ive been havin issues with my face lately ive goten these tiny marks that just cant seem to go away so after so much askin and looking i found some amaizing products that i think i should share with yall!!......fisrt it this amaizing clean and clear facial scrub....

this facial scrub is amaizing it lives your skin feeling so fresh and clean i use it every night to wash off my make up as you know you shouldnt go to bed with your make up on then the skin wont breathe properly.......

this is also really good its cleanses your skin so well  gently and effectively to remove build up of oil,dirt and grease i just love although the taste is not sooooo good....hehhheehehe anway its really good and it lasts for long coz u just use alittle drop on ua face wipes.....
this is a must have foundation by loreal it costed me quite alot but it was worth it!i just love it
mac powder quite expensive but worth it too i just love it.....well ladies if you got issues with your skin maybe you can try some of these products you just never know they may work for you just like they have for me....later!!!!