Sunday 14 August 2011

You can pay for school,but you cant buy class!!...says my boy deejay jojo mimz!!....and i totally agree!!...this boy got a killah swagger that just goes unnoticable..if you dont believe just check the brother out!!...swagger with class for sure!...:)

looking fresh as ever ,loving the bag and everything!

way to go killin it on this one!!...

love it!..............:).........


am loving the purple sweater looking nice...

loving the nikeys!......

and this is  dejay jojo mimz for you!! can pay  for school but you cant buy class!!....thats wassup!!:)

Friday 12 August 2011

MKATE WA SINIA - RICE BREAD......i looooovee this...!

1/2 kg- ground rice flour
120g.  white sugar
10g (2 level teaspoons)dried yeast granules
6 cardamon pods
milk of 2 coconuts
warm water
Mix together the flour, crushed cardamom seeds and thick coconut milk Add yeast which has been allowed to dissolve in a half a cup of warm water, (When it fluffs up it is ready to add to the mixture}. Turn on to a board and keep kneading and adding the thick milk until all is used up. Go on kneading until it becomes dry, then add again, but take care not to add too much at once. After kneading for about 20 minutes add the sugar and knead until it dissolves. Now add the thin milk gradually until it is like a thick porridge. Test with your hands. Cover and let rise. putt the mixture when ready into a warmed greased baking tin and cook in a very hot oven until risen up and a nice golden brown on top. leave in tin to cool, then cut into small squares and serve on a plate.


I25g. plain white wheat flour
5ml. (I teaspoon) plain unflavoured
2 and half grams (half teaspoon) dried yeast  granules
I cardamon pod
3/4 kg sugar
125m1. milk
vanila essence 
oil for frying
Mix the flour, yeast, and pounded cardamom seeds in a bowl with the yoghurt, then add the milk. mix in just a little water and go on beating well for about five min- utes with your hand until you can pickup a piece of the mixture in your fingers. Leave to rest, Make a syrup with the sugar, flavour with vanilla, and let cool thoroughly. put enough oil in a big karai for deep frying. shape the mixture into tiny balls and put into the boiling oil then reduce heat. Turn and stir, until they are all golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon, shaking off excess oil, then drop into the syrup. serve in a bowl, or a deep plate....ENJOY!!

i just loooooooooooooove the khanga!...and i cant get enough of it and dats why am doing another posting...its just amaizing how the khangha has taken a transition to a remarkable trend that everybody is wearing and if you dont have a khangha sumthin in ua closets maybe this will convince to get a khangha design or have one tailored for you!....:)

a model in a khangha outfit...and bikin!...yep!

khangha pants.

cute designs...khangha tops...

beyonce rockin it in a khangha outfit with his boyfie jay-z yap even celebs are trending in khangha...

estelle in a khangha outfit looking amaizing!..

cute khangha clutch bag...
beautiful khangha bag i loooove it!!
khangha great is that!!...

Act like a Lady,Think like a Man!...this is a must read if u wanna know What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment !...this book by steve harvey is sensational i got a copy and if u want it just pop me ua email under this posting on the comment section!...its a great book!

It has been established that there is nothing new under the sun. Each time a new fashion trend comes out it dated back to the seventies..... Yes! Fashion revolves and the seventies are currently back with a bang and it is making its way fiercely into our wardrobes with the wide-leg jumpsuit from long one to short ones!.So embrace your inner 70′s diva and if that is a little hard, let these amaizing designs inspire you!

celebs lookin all hot in their jumpsuits!...

this is soooo sexy i loove it!:)


i loooooove the prints on this one! african!love it!~

the colour amaizing and the design even better!......niceeeeeeee!

Tyra banks lookin super fly as ever in her jump suit!!...

clutches YES!!!...must have accesory ladies! know when you are going out for dat nice date in da evening or just going out to have fun with the gals....:)..they are just a gals best friend!..